Y6 Prototype Videos
This is a short all around video from multiple camera angles of the Y6 prototype taking off, hovering, transitioning to forward flight, transitioning back to hover and landing.
This is a video from an onboard camera of the Y6 prototype flying around a lake
This is a video recorded from the ground of the Y6 prototype flying around a lake
This is a video from an onboard camera of the Y6 prototype hovering high above a frozen lake while being pushed by a strong wind
This is a video from an onboard camera of the Y6 prototype cruising high above a frozen lake
This is a short video recorded from the ground of the y6 prototype doing a quick fly-by
This is a video from a rear view camera onboard the Y6 prototype that shows the behaviour of the rear rotors durring a transition
This is a 30 minute video of the Y6 prototype flying high above a frozen lake in windy conditions. During the flight the aircraft performs a number of transitions.